I do not believe in property its accent on control, the finite nature of the human one, man a thousand acres. Do think about it, public access, people for freedom…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
I do not believe in property its accent on control, the finite nature of the human one, man a thousand acres. Do think about it, public access, people for freedom…
The removal of will, always they or them the country is broken but it is them they divide and rule, difficult now as we are swelling by the household and…
The wind horns of the sea I can hear them as I struggle to sleep the sound is hypnotising me and sapping my strength drawn to stand I take slant…
Tickets to the parallel universe we’ve all had those moments, you know the ones you may go to bed for to rest awake and drift off, but it is not…
Does the earth have feelings? if so is it aware of human life upon it. Does earth feel pain or have knowledge of strain put upon it? Maybe you or…