How did the spirits find their way home from thousands of years in disunity, a collective point to reconcile your groups souls. With the other souls a spirit of unity in family lines, are we better, or have we made better struggles, that went before. From the once shorter lives to the medically inspired extensions of lives. Now given more time to reflect, but in some ways over extend our blip of time upon earth.
I’ve always looked to the dense low pulse of the galaxy, beyond the atmosphere a little bit further than I can go. Whilst looking up in awe, but I don’t feel lost.
For we are part of this good, in stillness I feel gravity in touch with my span of conscious. Time, I can’t believe how quickly from birth to our now it is. Where are we going I think of the term relative and how constricting, it is you are me as I am me and yet be still and know I am God, from a divine energy we crawl grow and go back to source in many lives to be. whether we are a grain of sand or a human being to be, we are creation we are one.