Why doesn’t Britain make things any more?
In the past 30 years, the UK’s manufacturing sector has shrunk by two-thirds, the greatest de-industrialisation of any major nation. It was done in the name of economic modernisation –…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
In the past 30 years, the UK’s manufacturing sector has shrunk by two-thirds, the greatest de-industrialisation of any major nation. It was done in the name of economic modernisation –…
The king of life and the king of nothing, the king of death or the bringer of peace laid side by side with nothing to say, they are both dead…
The board game in heaven, planning of wars to come when words turned to weapons in one day, by the minds of those insane, fought in a nightmare world, will…
Let me make it simple for I am a humble soul but I have to say all these so-called Brexiters are they mentally disturbed. We had safety not perfection within…
In the southern part of a south Asia a country near a border that shall be nameless, stood a man and his young daughter the man’s daughter wished to attend…