Does The Earth Have Feelings

Does the earth have feelings?

if so is it aware of human life upon it.

Does earth feel pain or have knowledge of strain put upon it?

Maybe you or I are not to know, as the snow in wintertime hides the sound of a burdened groaning earth .



For Really They Will Never Know

Astral transmission do you read me, the doors are open it is time to go, do not tell anyone I am going, for really they will never know, that a rainbow landed at my feet, the colors of the cosmos curved for speedworthy travel. There will never be a wall again no dividers to heaven no call to earth to say I am safe I will be one of the stars with no name, you see me everywhere we are all too common and mostly ignored.

Dust Returns

Ashes for sale different grades & classification, but dust returns in the fluted conduits of time, to be part of the furniture or shot to the sky because there is more to us than our passing but we haven’t arrived at the station..

John & Pancreatic Pete Ride Again Que The Music…



Brazier under the canal bridge flaming holes fiercely flaming pluto John and pancreatic Pete sit as meditating beings of a kind… road kill rabbit rolling on an abstract metal rod flame head billowing from a redundant oil barrel, bright the shadowy duo poking the urgent flames with intent, they are hungry beyond any food banks.

The charmed simplistic brotherhood of the fire keeps a talking culture alive in the reality of poverty, permeation so disengaged from an expanding world of White Diamond and Eight Ace lager, taking over there one known world that is burning itself out, as they gaze at the final  flames under a canal towpath bridge with the sound of faint but audible friendship . Pissheads, happy pissheads, causing no harm to mobody, rule Britainia.

Orwell 2050…

Human registration plates, hardcore DNA, chipped. Shuffled. Decanted, devoured. Dispersed, to dissolve destroyed microchips in the mortuary, rattling, in a kidney dish, it is 2050. Total accountability is the name of the game played on an unknowing humanity within ultimate state controlled ordered society.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive