Impostor the parasite in a world of hosts impostor sat upon another’s chair the vague cell visiting, I’m no ones friend though, my father above is unique he didn’t birth…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
Impostor the parasite in a world of hosts impostor sat upon another’s chair the vague cell visiting, I’m no ones friend though, my father above is unique he didn’t birth…
It’s hard to be a naked alien when you glow as much as I do constant velocity and friction in a grinding vortex, wheel under a cosmic lid of limitation…
For all mothers. She died not long ago a shining light, a face as sculpture in a track of life upon a belt of stars, on par with life streams.…
Six deep, one sin a minute, then out we go not conscious of any imminence optimism is the best ghost story, in your worst dream saving lives in intermittent waking…
The order is silent curtain by curtain, street by street, all is closed but for a faded light and lagoons fill with unspoken truth, drowning interrogation from the master. A…