Another Tub Thumping Poetry Round Up

Our Father

Our father we’ve been trying to find you in heaven, but so far we’ve had no luck waiting for
the cloud on the left till it passes by, but nothing happened. I got my brother to shout but you took no notice. He said to me “you must be seeing things and by the way say hello I’ve been dying to meet him, why did it take so long Amen.”

New to the Garden

New to the garden here is the cat in your Disney moment, sitting calmly he approaches, he doesn’t talk but the eyes are doing a good job. Shall I be nice to you today I shall soon find out. Well an answer short and not so sweet came along he put his paws around my leg demanding that I shouldn’t move without speech. A cats idea of control at a glance well I can’t do that I’d be powerful if I could sigh to the wilderness.

The Swallows Defender

I am the swallows defender for the cat is around sitting sprawled upon the ground eyeing the solitary swallow. The birdie frets to be back in the nest  where chicks wait, the swallow sits upon an old electrical wire and stares me out, I say hello there’s not a lot I can do. Meanwhile the cat waits but alas in vain no chicks falling today. However a plate full of dry food comes along happy kitty, the swallow thanks me with a wink, or is it my can of Eight Ace cider that causes me to see birds speaking.

Poetry Round Up from the Poetic Warrior

China Lights

China lights they’re coming to get you the lanterns will be landing they will take you all away in a paper bag they say the game is all wrapped up so sweet and sour it is out to do your noodle kit and kaboodle Boris the dish you are a chopstick we can handle you all the cats and dogs woof what a game.

We Own Nothing

Warning to dictators and omnipotent beings it is not my earth to own. For we own nothing beyond our lifestream, the claim has gone mankind must realise this the earth will become unforgiving of you for the mess and lives you ruin. You are but a nasty glitch in time your essences linger, no longer than your breath but the joy of life you ruin you will be reckoned on the seventh lifestream.

Coaching the Amina

Coaching the Amina what are the laws of attraction my mind ponders it deeply. My eye saw you, I picked you no idea what you will turn into my success rate isn’t too good but I’ll give it a go. Your dotted all over the world maybe I’ll approach you to try something different, need to try anything to break through the ties that bind me.

I Hold Within

I hold within a planet that can’t let go, it is without a purpose and currently, it requires a planet host to grow it wants to escape, it torments me, it spins faster. It wants to go I’m not from the earth of that I know, for therein lays another family on another planet something tells me I must find a home.

Mystical Phoenix

Better get used to silence for that is all there is, your mind is wiped like a psychic mystical phoenix caught in a higher moment in unfathomable time. In the distance, a deep pendant abides a faceless clock but over the years becomes louder to the ears right until the last second, and the wind she changes and drops to nothing then it all starts again for another day, yet I  dare not think of tomorrow I haven’t finished with today, there is more to go as the moment passes as a clock ticks  with pedantic slowness we build up, let us hope to make us cope in time. This world will change but I’m afraid it will be ten thousand years passeth and yet it doesn’t matter.




The Seat

The seat we didn’t go to for judgment, we went for calm, ah we are the sheep that follow told to believe when murder and hate were on the loose, no peace, the fuse had gone. So death and destruction occurred one last way, out to the light. Upon the trial of a white pathway miles more than you could ever see or imagine.

Me To Mine

Me to mine, my thoughts need an exhaustive cleaning. Too much dirt I cannot live without the purity, I seek upon new pasture like a grazing bovine. I need new pasture so I can chew things over till I decide how to survive and indeed I ask myself is it worth it, as the bastards grind me down or try they won’t succeed tell that to the universe, oh yes the force is on the move.

More Poems From The Poetic Warrior


How Did I Get Here

Life closing down so we can be remodeled, no descent, no words, just sour faces. But some people must pay and they will happiness and laughter must show through with a new vista. Nothing should defeat us we are a world of huge energy the dictators must go one and all the moon’s a giant grin to smile in the twilight zone to hell with grim tales of woe we demand the best show so we can hear laughter for miles and forever and another day.


How did I get here I’m still waiting for answers in the meantime I shall try and live another day, this is the dry run for either heaven or hell there lays within an imbalance of feeling. I have to will myself on and I am lost for inspiration as God’s physical hand has never stopped me from falling so I tread with caution in my older age looking side to side for potential enemies which are often unknown. It’s hard to get older without being reassured but there is no choice as so far religion’s intervention has failed I remain a mortal till I die and death will turn the page for someone or something to start again.

The Ghost

The ghost skins they lay upon the floor we walk, all over them we little know of the truth in these matters, ceaseless reincarnations on and on a remodel every week the ground groans with the weight of action, a face greets me upon every waking ripple. Is it a face I’ve seen before, is it even my own once again it’s the confusion you know what I mean nothing is permanent.


Graduates of distress somber yet senseless, wired yet worried. Every cause for concern amplified OCD the lot of them. Wild and lonely are we unable to change the media children. A different kind of food among the dangerous criss-cross of hedge knitted congested radio waves rolling in the sea of unstoppable change.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive