The Great Council Tax Rip Off

The great council tax rip off yes here we go, cuts in services inconsistent council tax increases. The difficultly that I have with this particular tax is that year upon year thousands upon thousands of houses flats etc, are built, each dwelling with a revenue of more than a thousand pounds to the local authority.

Is this a housing need or another way to bolster the council coffers in the light of central government funding cuts to local government. I don’t believe that there needs to be cuts to vulnerable groups in society and the cuts should come higher in the command chain of local government.

In conclusion if properties are re-valued for council tax banding don’t forget the difference in years since the nineties and today, and how house prices have been tickled up to borrow more in the FALSE economy we have. New banding will garner revolt . With this fact isn’t it time the governor of The Bank of England was brought to trial for suspending interest rates and helping people to continue living in borrowing la la land , Mason Cult Socialist Crusader. .

No Answer

Magnitudes and tumultuous fears looking inward no answer found it is cold and lonely walling deep in the valley, you parked your car, remote, every other had gone, your life on hold, surviving on instinct. Would you become the victim of a darkened day or would you find the bright light, or is that another world. So far away and yet so within.

Mason Cult On Homes As Cash Cows.

Mason is also an activist for social issues here is his latest articles.

Society must stop using homes as cash cows or so-called investments it is not helping the young or poor. Since the disappearance of long-term industrial jobs replaced by service sector jobs, there has been a colossal increase in property prices and lending from banks.

I will suggest that the ridiculous house prices start to wither then filter down to lower mortgage costs and realistic re-payments interest rates could rise and responsible savers could return, but we lack sustainable home industries & coal mines were conveniently closed even when clean coal technology is available, much else of British industry went abroad taken over by cheaper imports.

If any government is to be responsible then house prices have to come down and there must be different ways to pay for old age care than selling a house to pay for the care . In conclusion Britain has been surviving on the back of property profit for thirty
years plus this only serves to stoke inflation and makes life harder for many thousands of people. So as well as more social homes built let there be cheaper homes to mortgage and sensible deflation, these changes may even lead to unacceptable rents now being charged by private landlords to come down enabling the wages of low paid workers go further and save more.

If I…

If I am re-incarnated as a cat I will sleep upon cord jackets, I have now seen in my human life thus far the comfort and peace within the cat, two on one cord jacket curled in a mystic harmony and at the end of my time if I return as a cat trapped as I may feel in my new clothes I will curl on that cord jacket oh the calm

I Cry For The Celeb.

Do you remember crying in your beer for a dead star you thought you might know today. Do you cry for a celebrity who brings no joy, never makes you happy, but somehow does the business, whilst I sit with my ugly self-imposed version of doom

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