Towards The End

Toward the end and in the distance I could visage the beginning between black skeletal trees, a moon behind me and so in front of me illumination, creation, preservation, transmutation an energy pyramid. Sat faintly growing dimly glowing majestic, magnetic. In control of the field of presences where new creatures come playing in the night silently…

Warrior of poetry has been at it again writing poems

Where Greed Never Sleeps

A world that is breaking down, the habit of tears an emotional pump is constantly whirring. But is this the way I suggest it is not, for what does this achieve what really does it change if we are seeking the attention that these tears bring.

Are we less than plausible if too many years and too many tears like rain enter the human psyche, forever responding to situations from this foundation is there a better route to achieve harmony maybe the media requires treatment, maybe they should not pedal politicians as they do, for the machine that drives human affairs make them not know what they do.

I say is why they do this part of the multilayered empire that makes money from every conceived happening and every other device to divide and rule pigeon holing the poor and misunderstood with every facet of the wicked and thoroughly evil British class system that debases humanity and the hopes of millions of kind hearted but neglected humans I say we are a disgusting country where greed never sleeps.

The Mighty Boc Hondo

Wired up and fit as fiddles they march out of the cupboards and back doors they came like rats over a fence they jumped, we couldn’t really see them and probably we were not meant to but I could, I was trained I knew what these things did but I would not tell a soul we would not be here without them. But I know in these times of insincerity and cruelty who would believe the work of the devic Kingdom and their impervious leader of great credulity The mighty Boc Hondo

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive