A weight was lifted from my world, as clouds came down and touched the very ground I stood upon. Often I had wondered within life’s troubles and distortions. If I could reside in a final care free space and look high upon a bright cloud, filled my day had become more than just that science had said this was only made by the sun, upon moisture, but shapes told me otherwise far too many and some you could live in. Imagination carried us thus far but I was taken up and proven otherwise ,I had left earth behind as I was taken up, weightless but sure. Now in the knowledge that I had found another world and this was a new reality, forever for me such a weight had truly been lifted, I was now free .
And in the words of the Bard.
A weight wast did lift from mine own w’rld, as clouds cameth down and did touch the v’ry did grind i stoodeth upon. Oft i hadst wond’r’d within life’s troubles and dist’rtions. If ‘t be true i couldst reside in a final careth free space and behold high upon a bright cloud, did fill mine own day hadst becometh m’re than just yond science hadst hath said this wast only madeth by the travelling lamp, upon moisture, but shapes toldeth me oth’rwise far too many and some thee couldst liveth in. Imagination hath carried us thus far but i wast taken up and proven oth’rwise ,i hadst hath left earth behind as i wast taken up, weightless but sure. Anon in the knowledge yond i hadst hath found anoth’r w’rld and this wast a new reality, f’rev’r f’r me such a weight hadst truly been did lift, i wast anon free.