Latest Audio Poems By Laidlaw Wilson AKA Mason C Turning the dial up on my ear that is what I have to do…who would have thought this was my essential connection with outer life… It was it…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All Turning the dial up on my ear that is what I have to do…who would have thought this was my essential connection with outer life… It was it…
The revolution must come from the hearts and minds of the ones at the bottom, not from the perceived top e.g. the conduits to power the political classes. Far too…
Renter Society Let’s make it just that, but a fair rent society at that. The great division that’s what it has become the modern judgement that is based on another…
Blink Twice Blink twice I thought I saw something near the window is it the past checking in to see who’s there maybe there are more nosey spirit checkers I…
Hidden Planets. Hidden planets coming in and out of view like a pulse trying to project it’s will and pursuing a formation line to existences and realities yet to be…