
The king of life and the king of nothing, the king of death or the bringer of peace laid side by side with nothing to say, they are both dead but the royal one caused death in life in the name of god. The war was called we are right everyone else was wrong, that’s why so many died in foul ways but strangely enough the king and his dead pauper felt nothing. One assumes the grass sensed more, but did not see as only survivors told the history of that day, the day of equality in death, rich or poor.

Game In Heaven

The board game in heaven, planning of wars to come when words turned to weapons in one day, by the minds of  those insane, fought in a nightmare world,  will it be better to be remembered for notoriety than gone consigned to the general oblivion, meanwhile Mason Cult rests. That is all.

New Britain

So I wasn’t  wrong all along the line of thought, the new developments, the crammped spaces in designated areas. Self sufficiency had taken to new highs, we were becoming population heavy the undertakers  couldn’t cope in the middle of civil unrest, the council couldn’t cope to the reaction, to their planning, unfinished housing, shit spinning in empty cement mixers. Everyone now did smell and the dying were dead, so came to pass the small oblong buildings.

They were between the once bright flats they housed the dead where undertakers feared to tread,  this is new Britain, civil destruction society torn and burning a government in retreat MP had fled to hide this country in mutinous madness evil is the mistress
of the turgid toilet of a country where manners ( manners) is the name of a house.

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