A Message On Behalf of Warrior of Poetry to all Visitors



My name is Tony Topping, the Creative Director on behalf of Ian The Warrior of Poetry. Ian has been quite unwell hence
the break in postings of Poetry. What began in about 2007 was an idea due to a chance meeting outside a cafe in my local town
where I met Ian after not seeing him for a number of years.

He said he had a few poems could I perhaps type them for him and do a website.

Years later this has expanded into a poetic archive like no other. Snowballing into this great archive we see now.
Despite Ian being poorly we are still working on the site and still doing the poems. Which I am sure is great news,
there is no way this site would be taken off line due to the years of work involved.
While Ian is recovering he wrote this poem for his visitors to the site,
I have no doubt he will write a book about this ordeal.

I collapsed, deaths door could have appeared and on that fateful day for a minute god had deserted me.
Yet I found he was with me. All creativity lost, they discovered I was unwell. They placed me back in a
cage and I roared like a lion. My mind a sea of delusions and thoughts, yet I am saved
and yet there is light for by the grace of god a poet am I and prose and words flow like
water again. For my destiny is to write and come what may I am pleased god had blessed me
on that day.

We Are Pleased To Announce The Forthcoming Book Adventures In The Poetic Universe


Adventures In The Poetic Universe
Adventures in the Poetry Universe is a selection of poems from the Warrior of Poetry Archive. To awaken your soul. The archive is a collection of over one thousand poems, on life, the universe and everything. It is poetry that has saved poet Ian Wilson’s sanity on many occasions let it save yours.


A Poem For Her Majesty Oh Mother of the Nation.

Oh Mother of the Nation.

Oh mother of the nation thy voice does last forever through all parts of this world, you are not a vision for thou art real as the sun in the morning. Radiant for as long as you are here, God bequeathed you to be amongst us for the duration of your life and your love of duty never lets us down. Smile on forever your majesty for you are real and the nation loves you.

Another Tub Thumping Poetry Round Up

Our Father

Our father we’ve been trying to find you in heaven, but so far we’ve had no luck waiting for
the cloud on the left till it passes by, but nothing happened. I got my brother to shout but you took no notice. He said to me “you must be seeing things and by the way say hello I’ve been dying to meet him, why did it take so long Amen.”

New to the Garden

New to the garden here is the cat in your Disney moment, sitting calmly he approaches, he doesn’t talk but the eyes are doing a good job. Shall I be nice to you today I shall soon find out. Well an answer short and not so sweet came along he put his paws around my leg demanding that I shouldn’t move without speech. A cats idea of control at a glance well I can’t do that I’d be powerful if I could sigh to the wilderness.

The Swallows Defender

I am the swallows defender for the cat is around sitting sprawled upon the ground eyeing the solitary swallow. The birdie frets to be back in the nest  where chicks wait, the swallow sits upon an old electrical wire and stares me out, I say hello there’s not a lot I can do. Meanwhile the cat waits but alas in vain no chicks falling today. However a plate full of dry food comes along happy kitty, the swallow thanks me with a wink, or is it my can of Eight Ace cider that causes me to see birds speaking.

Poetry & Yet More Poetry From Our Poetic Warrior Archive

God Morning

God morning to you, yes God morning not good morning, I think he is responsible for this day that is a given a day and a date to boot. My number is somewhere, anywhere, I am trying to find it.  I hope I’m not on the list for the plan God says it is not convenient to ask anything of him today as he is getting the new people ready he’s fed up with us now we are too violent he whispered in my ear.


Always gain a new perspective, it might save the day, look to the skies in different ways.  It is always new, it is always refreshing. Look for virgin landscapes where nothing sits upon the hill that is above us, we are below I can’t be a bird but my imagination is high. The outer limits where new dawn waits and hopes stay alive, pass the Yanga juice I need it.


An Ode To The Southport Marine Lake.

I am in a small Gondola my hands paddle me along I listen to the echo’s in the void I go slowly to the center of the marine lake an entrance reveals I am entering the next world who will greet me. Ahhh even god can wait, as I crack open my seventh tinny…lunchtime o bozzle that is the way. But hark the lake pulls me like a monster, I have fallen from my boating steed…

Welcome to neutral peace land in a timeframe of my own lunch hour, I sit, and for the first time in a long time I rest, I hear birds I think joy, and in the gap there is silence but for the cooing of pigeons making their box tidy, oh busy birdie, one will pop outside to look up at this bird, my feathered friend acknowledges me, I believe that is a miracle. We have common ground me and birdie, he drinks pints you know…

Open The Mind

Open the mind let the universe in, like a river that flows. It made you and sent you forward upon evolutions way. From day to day we changed but albeit slowly, fashioned to the state we are in now. Tell me what state will we be in soon I know not. Yet be still and know that you are God.

The Gum of the Past

Everything we’ve ever done leaves its mark, looking back where was that fingerprint, ah, is it still there half a century old now. A bit lonely as millions of others are. So I went on a mission to save it, bring it home and frame it from my grey Aunt’s stair rail, with the dried chewing gum in the gap. I had to ask the new owner as the fact is I never inherited the house. Split three ways. With a thousand in cash for someone’s dog never mind, I’ll have the fingerprint back though. Oh, I wonder if the gum still chews…and Uncle Cyril is on the phone, that cash it looks like the ink is smudging on the notes !!!!


Time to end the brutality of the times. Not that we have ever defeated it, survives all time of history, the capacity to be cruel and dominating what exactly did our so-called God create yes, the fauna and playground breeding grounds for the hordes. Why can’t we go to the paradise of a kind island? The language of the shadows where prowlers live among the curious lower kingdoms secretly the monthly change of lunar activity sees shadow bolting from holes to who knows where and tapping you upon the shoulder and in low breath warning it’s time.



The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive