Housing Problems The Thoughts Of Mason Cult…Part 2.

When it comes to problems with housing in the overcrowded Terra of England it comes to mind that we are a realm of politically controlled snobs, who gives an owls hoot about the rickety housing ladder now missing many rungs, please do blame the legion of silver surfers and the greedy working class who exploited the never should have been right to buy it is properly built and administered social housing that should now be prominent. The working class have blotted there credentials by post industrial borrowing upon the over inflated ex council homes, thus blocking and stopping the council house supply chain.

The only reason it looks better than it did is down to the borrowing (shame on the banks.) The older generation have completely sold out the young, the disabled and mentally afflicted, but guess what folks, politicians love your votes so morals and principles go out the door. We are media driven class snobs in this country and try and survive under a pot boiling mix of jealous false friendship as a country we are finished.

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