Impostor the parasite in a world of hosts impostor sat upon another’s chair the vague cell visiting, I’m no ones friend though, my father above is unique he didn’t birth…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
Impostor the parasite in a world of hosts impostor sat upon another’s chair the vague cell visiting, I’m no ones friend though, my father above is unique he didn’t birth…
It’s hard to be a naked alien when you glow as much as I do constant velocity and friction in a grinding vortex, wheel under a cosmic lid of limitation…
Vortex Vortex theatre of life spinning to the lords of adaptions in creative vibrations, my friend whispered to me there’s a strong breeze upon the morrow and the river snakes…
For all mothers. She died not long ago a shining light, a face as sculpture in a track of life upon a belt of stars, on par with life streams.…
Six deep, one sin a minute, then out we go not conscious of any imminence optimism is the best ghost story, in your worst dream saving lives in intermittent waking…