Stood A Man & His Young Daughter

In the southern part of a south Asia a country near a border that shall be nameless, stood a man and his young daughter the man’s daughter wished to attend the children’s party in the north beyond the wire fence and prowling dogs a green four terraced building sang the tune of pleasant times drifting across the sea of oppression.

There was a door and a smiling guard who held a note-book &  let them through he instructed them that there was a children’s party on the third floor.

The father said “come little one we shall see what this is,  you have nothing much to do this day and the snow is falling fast.”

Father and daughter opened the big black door and proceeded to climb the winding stairs nothing in the first room, just bare and cold with strange scratches upon the wall but there was laughter in the second room full of brightly dressed girls and boys but no food or music.

The father was in a hurry and so left the youngster among the rest, he went downstairs out and back over the border  for a while as he turned back to the building he could see the outline of a bulky man with glasses

The day moved on the father returned asked the guard with his little book to go north and to the big green house , the father entered slowly and climbed the cold stairs to the second room despair struck all the children were dead he panicked and
ran back down the stairs on his way through the door to the south he was stopped by the bulky man in grey coat and glasses, why screamed the father the bulky man turned smiled and uttered with a coldness, because we have no food.


New Britain

So I wasn’t  wrong all along the line of thought, the new developments, the crammped spaces in designated areas. Self sufficiency had taken to new highs, we were becoming population heavy the undertakers  couldn’t cope in the middle of civil unrest, the council couldn’t cope to the reaction, to their planning, unfinished housing, shit spinning in empty cement mixers. Everyone now did smell and the dying were dead, so came to pass the small oblong buildings.

They were between the once bright flats they housed the dead where undertakers feared to tread,  this is new Britain, civil destruction society torn and burning a government in retreat MP had fled to hide this country in mutinous madness evil is the mistress
of the turgid toilet of a country where manners ( manners) is the name of a house.


With respect to the nothing new statements that only one in four will ever be able to borrow funds for an outdated system called The Mortgage.  I thought it a prime opportunity to speak of the continued
deception and non admission of the FALSE economy which will soon collapse. The media, the banks the governments present and past have this alarming deliberate obsession with the mortgage, the amount of borrowing against property and the penny shove each day
on the notional value of a house, is implicating banks in the form of the most irresponsible lending in history.  The system is falsely empowering those with weaker incomes to borrow far more than ever they can repay thus fostering and fuelling The FALSE economy.  There are no morals left as long as it is borrow to spend to a greater extent it is the greed of humans that is leaving vulnerable humans without homes, and I will in conclusion point to unscrupulous private Landlords and Letting agents for taking nearly
every penny in the lower income bracket earners pay packet, it is of paramount importance that they are stopped it is a National Moral issue. Mason Cult, Social Justice Crusader.

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