The healer, did he come for you. Did he make you new?. How did he know it was you that day. Most unexpected random day, random word in the ear.…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
The healer, did he come for you. Did he make you new?. How did he know it was you that day. Most unexpected random day, random word in the ear.…
Looking out I must be the only person who can see a face in a green bush, perfect is it.? let me think awhile, ah yes the lonely face of…
I am the scientist, therefore, I am. What you call God, little did you know till I told you of this. For years you have gone to your church like…
The Door in the Iceberg Upon Earth time is running out and in Antarctica, there was a crypt, buried in what seemed to be a colossal pyramid shaped iceberg. A…
The ball under my foot, the world it may be, it makes me so unsteady my destination will be unknown at the moment. I have control of a fashion, my…