If As Matter…
If as matter we do return after death, then back to the beaches as grains of shiny sand caught as jewels by the sun, shimmering back at the living as…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
If as matter we do return after death, then back to the beaches as grains of shiny sand caught as jewels by the sun, shimmering back at the living as…
The indifference of lapping water in a sealed land locked harbour, water, it laps goes backwards and forwards. Even mother moon has no impression upon this wind variable lagoon of…
When it comes to problems with housing in the overcrowded Terra of England it comes to mind that we are a realm of politically controlled snobs, who gives an owls…
The legacy of a strong presence, it had been a long time since we had visited a cottage called Cold Place, mud and dust, global spider webs over objects abounded…
So I wasn’t wrong all along the line of thought, the new developments, the crammped spaces in designated areas. Self sufficiency had taken to new highs, we were becoming population…