New Balances.

Whatever happened to that familiar face, the one that went around the world-changing the direction of lives and deaths of millions, it was such a facade someone caught you unauthorised were they in the common mirror of man, your mask slipped and another world availed itself you are an alien, and the press were in that toilet you were alone exposed, so how do we inform a world in panic not to be alarmed.

The Great Council Tax Rip Off

The great council tax rip off yes here we go, cuts in services inconsistent council tax increases. The difficultly that I have with this particular tax is that year upon year thousands upon thousands of houses flats etc, are built, each dwelling with a revenue of more than a thousand pounds to the local authority.

Is this a housing need or another way to bolster the council coffers in the light of central government funding cuts to local government. I don’t believe that there needs to be cuts to vulnerable groups in society and the cuts should come higher in the command chain of local government.

In conclusion if properties are re-valued for council tax banding don’t forget the difference in years since the nineties and today, and how house prices have been tickled up to borrow more in the FALSE economy we have. New banding will garner revolt . With this fact isn’t it time the governor of The Bank of England was brought to trial for suspending interest rates and helping people to continue living in borrowing la la land , Mason Cult Socialist Crusader. .

St Peter He Asked Of Me

When St Peter opened the gates he asked of me did I own a home, “no” I said “but I’ve walked through a Forest all my life among animals and birds that fly high to greet the sun, with breezes gliding over there wing tips.” St Peter informed me that I had been a good human on earth saving creatures along the way that is why you will be prefered in eternity in the wonderful world of heaven, and verily from my hand one hundred notes given as entry into the land of mlik and honey…

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive