What They Do Say…

I am not bothered what people say or do, but what they do say tells me something about them. Let them live in the world as it is not my world.  I am at distance to all navigating to the shore, where there is a corner to breath, a thought to relax nothing, is ideal it never has been, in a world crowded with expectations never met, as we count in  conscience unavoidable and often spiritually fruitless hours trying to keep our sadness at bay.

Prancing In The Brexit Gnome Garden With Mason

Diffy Juff and the gnome garden parliament, keeping guard on the garden bordered in the war of the Devic Kingdom, at number fifty four elf street, small battles have big mirrors. But the battles are soft and the only property to fight over is a cluster of grey mushrooms and a concrete seat with wooden slats and a pixie council meeting at toadstool lodge. Democracy never looked so sweet.

Travel as a Naked Mind.

Travel as a naked mind in an unforgiving world of hate and greed, in humble disposition to greet those who cannot understand of my reason to exist. We are lite upon the surface but we are irrelevant and I am afraid, the world knows us not for we are, grazers in a round of experiments. The master is taking a break till the next round.

A Void

In the sleep a void, the mystery a flight. I a vacuum, a channel to space, tuned for evacuation to white light. Below gold sphere transmigration A.U.M breath in and out create another green world and a new atmosphere to taste, fresh upon a new tongue and a new life. You will evolve in time.

Lean As Mean

I am walking lean; as mean, as possible.  I will survive in the clothes that help me stand up, it is frayed and displayed and discriminated, thus according to those who walk my way, but they who I cannot see will never, upon never, take my soul .

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive