
Leave no stone upturned, that is what they say if you want to discover the truth this was the case with the missing saucers from Mars or thereabouts. Legend has it that many years ago in the early hours of Christmas 1958 those travelling to Scotland to visit relatives had the most startling and fleeting episode of that time.

A young boy in the vehicle turned by chance, only to be blinded by seven disc shaped bright white objects travelling at split second pace. Mum and dad for once took themselves out of their woolly jumper mentality. It was all too silent but it had happened, dad thought that nobody would believe them so for the next sixty years that they would keep quiet and indeed they did. That is until their son paid a visit to the Highlands. He had bought a hundred square feet of heather bound land, through a scheme. Whereby one could purchase a plot that would always be yours and also help preserve the Scottish Highlands.

The son with great difficulty managed on this day to find his tiny plot in the heather vastness where eagles circled and watched him, as if guarding a sacred area the son sat down and could sense pulsing and thin blue strands of light emitting from pinholes in the heather.

With mental precision he put together in his mind a jigsaw, his instinct told him “I remember this is one of seven saucers carrying adepts from all those years ago on a Christmas night. With that thought the ground beneath enveloped him, this was the price of remembering the light consumed him and this man, SON to a father and devoted mother was never seen again and the clock ticked and the night went on oblivious.

Sir Twat is Knighted

So we are going to be once again fearful of these set of bastards. Duncan Smith become Sir this after making thousands homeless

So we are going to be once again fearful of these set of bastards. Duncan Smith become Sir this after making thousands homeless after the inception of the bedroom tax. This included a former friend who nursed her husband for two years with prostate cancer, the lady herself ended up having stent treatment for her heart. Her husband a good deal older, had served as a bomb armourer in the war. Duncan Smith should be held accountable via the UN. The bedroom tax was the worst social engineering move in a generation . It is such a shame the Labour Party had so little to say on this matter ah, but I forgot they all had mortgages.  We have now got the most disgusting set of people running the country Britain’s humans are a selfish disgrace. So I say come on working class borrow some more money on the right to buy former council house. Deny others be selfish and most of all please die for the Tories, labour have already gone to hell and the Lib Dems, well they just continue to have fondue parties and pretend to be stars in the good life. Hey ho here we go five years of poor bashing, in the new Boris dictatorship tally ho this blond fox will ransack your mind and dignity. Shame on the table banging working man.


Searching for the days of Magnificent Unity amongst many disenfranchised remnants of a once tenable society, when lost in a pit of loneliness and isolation. Desperately trying to climb from slippery depth not knowing if a hand would descend to pull them to freedom they screamed and moaned.

Above all they could see, a white dot in erratic form as if something up there was trying to rebuild what had been lost. After the third world war had enough lessons, been learned for a new code of cooperation and friendliness to exist . Soon the remaining world would see, as the sides of this pit dried and those left in could at last climb out.

Blinded by the light they emerged with nothing of material value they stumbled and walked forward as instructed for a world in emergency, an Auric Beacon could be heard followed by ovals of violet etheric flames, as moving soothing fingers attempting to crawl up and down the surviving bodies.

Emerging, the beacons trumpeted hard penetrating ears and colour twirls sparking from beacons, other sound gathered up from miles around, the energy had to be consumed to be felt. Indeed the energies of rebirth had begun to heal cosmic intervention for a new world and rebirth of real and peaceful humanity had begun. Chime Ming could be heard accompanied by a sweet warm draught of  perfumed air.

A Thousand People & Mesmerise

A thousand people in one room morphing in transmigration, a thousand faces coming and going spinning energising pulled from the vortex of the chakra all fleeting stepping up and on differing plains of existence fast moving dispersal to the halls of judgement and Akashic records to discover where we are bound for next.

Message to discarnate forces why would one float alone with an absence of family we are told we die alone, but to whom or what do we belong, as only those left, the current living miss one the most. So why are you alone in the hall of reckoning waiting to read the Akashic records waiting for rebirth in a lonely place upon a wavelength of karmic pattern.


Mesmerise all that drama in a magazine with colours so bright it comes to life on a coffee ?  table near you, vibrant above your daily drab it calls you, its all makeup and fizz. collect them for colour and kaleidoscope rainbow of personal drama…


The Year 2096 & What A Strange Saying

The year 2096, on planet earth much had changed the ring pass knot surrounding earth commonly known as the ozone layer had eroded the god that is the sun which was strong and more punishing than ever.

Skin cancer had become the epidemic of the times, crop failure and death by shrivelling heat had left millions of humans as husks upon the barren ground, earth population had diminished to the merest of millions. Even the sea looked like the surface of mars.

Those who survived on high or in caves in India had concentrated their efforts upon perfection and preservation for what was to become known as the pineal gland bank, thousands of preserved pineal gland’s catalogued in small specialised containers frozen ready for the coming days of transmitting and transmigration to transmit the knowing to the greater light in another life stream.

At Two Forty Five.

Very densely alone under the upturned ocean that is the sky, our minds eye what a strange saying. But how real is it, to be two eyes to a mind and clouds of the now, before and after. But beyond is the inner eye, another universe and more than man can see with two eyes open.  Go to sleep, for this measure in breath involution and out breath, go back in then beyond limitation to what will become more than this life a soul beyond spirit and more and more than can be seen through cloud gaps at two forty five in the afternoon.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive