Of The Barren Lands…


The new course of the Barren lands and chances for the pioneers of clean lands, free from feudal infusions and control. A new land where higher intelligence brings forth clarity and peace only selected population’s remain, never again was the world populations to breed themselves to destruction, harmony and peace were descending in a gentle cloud, Mason Cult .

Trying For The Next World & Hatred In Their Eyes Two Short Poems.


Trying For The Next World.

Pushing my fingers distorting the plasma I was desperately trying for the next world I could see it all in the lovely colours, but there were people chasing me aware of what I was trying to find and it was only a matter of time before they turned a corner and could see what I was trying to do, I had to break through , Mason Cult



Hatred In Their Eyes.

I see nothing gentle, it is almost entirely crude, it has hatred in it’s eyes it walks, talks it  wants and destroys, breeding and needing are its game it is us and I am not a clown. Mason Cult

I laugh, I cry, People Watch Me As They Walk On By.

Lying in state a quick break from the worm, breaking away from the underpinning I am ripened like an old joint, cursed with dodgy seed, trust today and tomorrow I live here moulded in a corner curled as a rat in dead nest.

The night faded and the day lifted I am a down in my own time, I laugh, I cry, people watch me as they walk on by. Life not so serious if your sat with me, I read the newspaper, cut the eyes from a politician, pretend I’m deaf they never listened.

I’m a mute mug shot of madness divine enough to be different no vanity in the vagrant, I am waiting for them to take me all away, wish I could stay up in this corner I lived around here as a boy with rampant laughter and nothing else but joy Mason Cult .

Ben Hours To Ben Hur The Madness Of Cars

Ben Hours to Ben Hur, it is about the modern madness of cars and the volume of them upon the roads.

The nation of Ben Hours on a highway near you big bore or small bore wheels chunky to thin more power than an army of ancient horses but there are millions now and rivals all are there in a deadly flow of dangerous monotony an extension of the phallus.

Delivered by a foot or a queen of bling with a diamond handbag making sure she is never less than the phallus, These horses travel on as expensive and vain forms of humanities idea of identity, as vain fools are they worshipping at the false alters of modernity.
Mason Cult helped by Bawdry Drawers .

Mason Cult His New Short Story Book Alien Village

Divine Intervention but not as we know it as aliens intervene in the affairs of man and evacuate humanity to save it from itself. Is it a vision of utopia as aliens and humans join together, or does a tale of tragedy unfold in this sci-fi classic by Mason Cult. The cover is based on an actual UFO incident over a small town in Yorkshire.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive