The healer, did he come for you. Did he make you new?. How did he know it was you that day. Most unexpected random day, random word in the ear.…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
The healer, did he come for you. Did he make you new?. How did he know it was you that day. Most unexpected random day, random word in the ear.…
A thousand people in one room morphing in transmigration, a thousand faces coming and going spinning energising pulled from the vortex of the chakra all fleeting stepping up and on…
The year 2096, on planet earth much had changed the ring pass knot surrounding earth commonly known as the ozone layer had eroded the god that is the sun which…
The lonely boy who has no fear pigeon post upon a windows ledge, pitched message in a tiny scroll, tied it…a sash window opens, a hand reaches out, a minute…
Mason Cult a being of superior intuition has noticed the ever increasing levels of sex crimes in the media every hour. Every waking moment of each and every day, the…