Storming Into Summer With More Poems For You.
Blessed. Did you know the Auras have a code of practice I walk along it seems unfriendly, the Aura it bothers me? So I wonder why, face after face passes…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
Blessed. Did you know the Auras have a code of practice I walk along it seems unfriendly, the Aura it bothers me? So I wonder why, face after face passes…
God Morning God morning to you, yes God morning not good morning, I think he is responsible for this day that is a given a day and a date to…
Please enjoy our epic bumper posting of poems from the Warrior of Poetry legend in his own lunch hour. When Words When words are not enough the silence will do,…
Boxes of Light Boxes of white light, seven boxes of white light, seven boxes of hope and joy, seven spaces of white light in the clouds. Please stay there, please…
Heavy Heavy upon my mind, a planet passes through in a phase. It’s over, the moment gone of fear. I now have no fear lifted away into the cosmic abyss.…