Sir Twat is Knighted
So we are going to be once again fearful of these set of bastards. Duncan Smith become Sir this after making thousands homeless
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
So we are going to be once again fearful of these set of bastards. Duncan Smith become Sir this after making thousands homeless
Thousands of restless souls remained in compound at secret locations after death, these were named as restless souls. They moaned but no one could hear them their earth bodies now…
Burning the sacred Diamond, now on show in decline I am expected to observe positioned to see, it is the sun with burning dimensions. Throwing of its energy in despair…
Dear Poem Lover, I am pleased to announce Ikon Gallery are launching a new merchandise section, that has my art on clocks and bags etc, they make a novel gift…
Mason cults Black Box on the Kundalini flight line. The day he fell from ascension he missed his timing, on return the band of warmth around his head failed. So…