Sat down in the wood a parting through the trees I look up, I see high above pepperpot puffy clouds pulsing I realize that these are not clouds but alien…
The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive
The Poetic Warrior Returns to his Poetry after Illness Welcome One, Welcome All
Sat down in the wood a parting through the trees I look up, I see high above pepperpot puffy clouds pulsing I realize that these are not clouds but alien…
Scotland…in a barn a UFO remains hidden.
Warrior of Poetry’s outstanding poem Wildflower VO by Maria Cusick. Watch out she will shake your tree. I Saw Your Shadow a poem by Laidlaw Wilson VO by Maria Cusick
The epic shaft revealed upon a sunny afternoon, for a split second opening up and down it came picking chosen individuals to cure skepticism. Foran instant testing whilst traveling by…
And there they stood upon the street, only seen by myself. I know not why, by one, by group, but no crowds they were strategic yet fluid, they were the…