Ever deeper underground beyond the throne of the sound of the great Pack Roar lay unforgiving landscapes so far under, one would think or believe that there would be a lack of space or a sense of claustrophobia but strangely not so much here. The three drawn travellers were almost mentally poleaxed. The vista they were encountering made them too numbed to wonder why indeed they were here. Or what may be in store for them beyond this point.
This was almost a biosphere of a world, but much larger, the sound of the Pack Roar in the distance beckoning the travellers to come among the dense fauna pathway strewn with vines to accompanied chorus of a Niagara falls cascade of sound.
Far upon the land could be seen pointed pure white domes glistening, there was a sense of sun but no sun to see it, a glow of colouring with manufactured clouds, the night would be as a switch of hands. Clicking fingers replaced by glowing lanterns so night and day were of the inventors manufacturing. As the awe struck travellers approached the white domes they found it hard to believe that what they were currently experiencing was directly under the ancient Turkers Wood and probably by now it would be more appropriate to be out of this.
But a little hunch hinted they might stay awhile and it could after all this be a place of safety and escape for upper world had become scary. Now upon the track to dome village slow machine pumps could be heard, these would be the lungs of the underground fresh water, it was a hand pump drawn from water bores and forms of laughter could be heard nothing sounded like doom. colour upon colour, scent by scent, plus various animals chewed slowly.
Men and women carried stick balanced food parcels of coloured delicate fruit along pathways to what appeared to be distribution sheds. More people gather in attire than could be described as a primitive two piece trouser suit but for now we have a break in transmission. I will come back later and tell you more, in the meantime the three walkers beneath Turkers wood wait for mythical speaking hand to point to the mystical instruction board as to what will come next.
The Journey To The Inner Kingdom AKA Baz’s Homebrew.
The journey to the inner kingdom came, by surprise, upon a day of wanton abandon, with no cause for concern at the time . Yet again, the ancient Turkers Wood provided the venue for this mystical encounter.
Walking, a common practice for humans, led us to this day of the erratic compass, but on this day, the method of the magnet applied to three earth humans intoxicated on home made beer were drawn to a mild depression on a tested wood track. This was not to be the ordinary badger or fox hole in between the sandy mounds. A damp leaf fauna door raised of its own volition, drew our attention upon our path of travel , we descended drawn by this peculiar strand of the ether, a smooth pathway graduated to a mild sub stratum, with a flattened pathway emerging approximately one hundred feet down. The three Sunday wankers who were pissed, saw intermittent sentries, brown and tall from another time of the roots. Every now and then there would be small explosions as the tunnel gases, ignited against the periodic torches held by the sentries, they made small explosions along this unknown destination to wherever. We were drunk of course and this was not real, or was it.
I think that we had been walking subterranean for an hour, going down a little deeper. As we stepped forward ,we faced a sixty-foot, dusty spider-clad door with two metal levers, two nine-foot oblivious giants by each side, . The doors opened by themselves and immediately an equally tall throne was observed and what could only be described as a supreme being. It slowly turned, announced its being and growled low and deep and in a darkened tone announced itself, “I am the associate of the underground. I am the designated leader and with my assistant I bring you to the evolution chamber please follow and observe the question . What had Baz put in the beer for us to see this, was it a product of the mind, or had we been transported to another world.