The Alien of All Nations
The Alien of all nations returns emerging from Sumarian days upon the back of the Ashaki, humans will be alienated as future records reveal, the final count was down for all humans within a viral storm of atomic proportions. Not since Indra’s dart had such a time come by pluming as it went . Not one human was high enough born to be saved or reborn, dark days indeed ensued onward blind and unsteady. Even the benevolent sun was reluctant to rise above the chaos to heal. So those hiding alive waited for the alien who we were told was on its way, but then we were told lots of things and alas we are still wanting.
In Auras From a Moon Deep
The ambiguity of shadows in Iteration of the night time errors in auras, from a moon deep and full but not blinding. White is she of purity and deep pulse. A demon in the visions of gravity upon seas rush to the shore. Tall houses of lapping waves crash and fearful passers by upon this sight rush for higher ground, to suddenly turn around and witness how close you came to being carried out to nothingness. For this is what we become so I build a sandcastlewhen the sun comes out in tomorrow’s Monday blinking calm.