There is an urgent need to have public works programmes, one, monorail systems on current motorways using current terminal hubs, two properly organised safe new cycle tracks Leeds for example has already seven miles worth more on the way. Three, better use of land and assisted super allotments with guided advice so interested parties can reconnect with where food comes from, of course in my opinion that is the practice of seed to product. Four, the building of properly managed social tenancies stop the persecution of decent human beings by the mortgage control monsters that lurk in all three political parties. We must stop the wrongful actions of landlords that rock family stability. Reintroduce life tenancies if the citizens are worthwhile well meaning people, good housing legislation by new European governments is essential. Let us create a better world nationalism is destructive bringing misery for millions. We must change the old stagnant ways of the past, only a united Europe with Britain playing it’s part in it can work. We owe this much especially to the struggling. the young and the frightened elderly the disabled and weak among us. Let Europe unite for a better more equal world.