Elections An Indulgent Rant

Yet another reflection upon canvasing at local election time .Last year 2019 I made one last shot at the District Council election nothing to lose but a few pounds in weight , having for company two volunteers, good enough. But not as many volunteers as the other parties, we decanted, some four thousand leaflets through the difficult furry letter boxes.  On a few occasions folk would come out and say plainly the dislike of all politicians, the rest you know. But then comes along Boris a Latin speaking version of Homer Simpson all the right and left lads and lasses loved him, why I’m not sure his party represents the worst of austerity. I’m asking why can’t the sons and daughters of Britannia think for themselves and post virus there will be the worst recession in recent times, cuts to everything, but those cuts will be far from equal. Will the ordinary Joe and Joanne love there leader as the North Koreans are forced to do with their despotic leader. We shall see, or if we are dead we won’t. Boris Johnson is wolf in sheep’s clothing it is a shame that the so called Labour party are not up to the mark, but I sigh Tony Blair did Tory Voodoo upon them and all shall be compliant his master’s voice.

End of a Home

End of a home, a palace, a oasis of calm, yet shake it and pictures fall from the wall, open doors, a wind gusts through, all is gone. Return to nature as bricks, shill repose begins as a nighttime moon frames in frame less windows. There are bats random aimless creatures and there is gathering dust, no ones, home a construct, persistent of sentiments alluding to false security. Permanent, it never was. For the only home is your sentimental soul and a need to be free of sin.

Nation Beware

Nation beware of the local political doctors, the deciders of the rationing of treatment begins, let’s take private dentists as an example, let me point to overriding NHS dentistry, once again they say that they are short of P.P.E equipment or none at all.

Are they as private providers in a better position to supply this, if you are one of the many NHS patients allowed to sit with the private patients on the list, one is told you cannot have essential treatment.  What of the private plan client are they allowed treatment.

A grey area, citizens of totalitarian Britain. We have a group of veiled Nazis in government but let them not forget the vote, both Tory and Labour can’t do without each other when it comes to political power, they and the increasing power of local authority control and the middle class busy bodies on community engagement forums, they are the new Mr and Mrs Bumbles poking their way into decanting community spy information and helping dinner party doctors in making the list of who in virus lock down world lives or dies. A sad world.

If the virus came from anywhere then it came from more than one country and more than one facility it could be termed as professional, medico societal, political, correctional murder.  The balance of the populations higher masonic I suggest are involved at every professional level, but sworn to threatening secrecy the poor and vulnerable are not offered an opinion. They are but a wiped morticians register board this government blatantly issued a media statement to the public, saying be prepared for the passing of many in the communities. But the poor are still too many, too many for the voices to be silenced . Boris Johnson is a media construct helped by Dominic Cummings and it is just a question of time before the whole deck of cards comes down and believe me there will be much much anger.

Political Rant Mason Cult

Time for the rooting out of the political doctors, yes the GP’s who are enmeshed within one political party or another parties policies and mantra. This is especially true of those with hidden mental health conditions, but with a long history of treatment after the pandemic subsides, these will be the ones who will fail and I believe strongly that many a lead GP is somehow pay rolled into the machine of misunderstanding and discrimination, watch this space and start thinking about this people it is happening.

Do please listen here of this, the British Tory government have suggested life might get back to normal by June. If these tests are carried out, but I find this creepy there are many opinions.  Firstly we all carry something mild or severe, the creepy side to this is that of state control in your life, what indeed will happen if thousands test the wrong way with no symptoms, are they you, me, and are we all going to be carted away to die and then just become statisticians calculus,

In the deaths broadcast, think about this and ask yourself what exactly is going on here, at this moment in time, such confinement, but the pot is boiling and  the Tories are risking the pot blowing up. I suggest to the people of this country don’t be so lapdog ask questions, the more that do means an answer from derisive dishonest MPs and remember please do that, before lock down kicked in the Tories agenda was  cuts to everything to them austerity is never over and I ask honestly when it comes to vaccines shall we follow the money.

Because this government should not be issuing threats to often vulnerable humans on general TV that they should be expecting to lose loved ones.  It is in bad taste and morally wrong to do so.

In a general sense we are all vulnerable, they have already bashed the poor for as many years as I can remember, nasty, nasty, people I believe that the death count is more related to an increased death rate due to mixed human illnesses and is being twisted for the purpose of totalitarian rule and easy to identify segregation certainly those in villages with mortgage breaks look like their have the life of Riley.

Cheap Voice & Goose Bombers

Cheap voice, nothing to say no one will hear you puppet of a god dream in the scheme of life, for those who come and never go in the dark portals of the most would try to avoid. In the lower kingdom of the forever lost and never found this who moulded into boulders and laughing gargoyles of a lost church not knowing heaven or hell, losing the spell in the casting of a dark scene in hell where the know ones never smile.

Goose Bombers

Goose bombers, seventeen, noise cacophony chaos, but uniform are they fast determined. What are they I’m guessing scoped geese, flying v determined with significant signals and signatures sounding brothers and sisters in the sky.

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