Mason Cult. New YouTube Channel

A glorious Jolly Jape my lovelies as by popular his glorious poetry gets the Voice Over treatment, and we are proud to announce a new YOUTUBE CHANNEL

The classic Poem Stood a Man & His Young Daughter.


A poem to a love lost an Ode to Sophie. VO by Maria Cusick.

Nation Beware

Nation beware of the local political doctors, the deciders of the rationing of treatment begins, let’s take private dentists as an example, let me point to overriding NHS dentistry, once again they say that they are short of P.P.E equipment or none at all.

Are they as private providers in a better position to supply this, if you are one of the many NHS patients allowed to sit with the private patients on the list, one is told you cannot have essential treatment.  What of the private plan client are they allowed treatment.

A grey area, citizens of totalitarian Britain. We have a group of veiled Nazis in government but let them not forget the vote, both Tory and Labour can’t do without each other when it comes to political power, they and the increasing power of local authority control and the middle class busy bodies on community engagement forums, they are the new Mr and Mrs Bumbles poking their way into decanting community spy information and helping dinner party doctors in making the list of who in virus lock down world lives or dies. A sad world.

If the virus came from anywhere then it came from more than one country and more than one facility it could be termed as professional, medico societal, political, correctional murder.  The balance of the populations higher masonic I suggest are involved at every professional level, but sworn to threatening secrecy the poor and vulnerable are not offered an opinion. They are but a wiped morticians register board this government blatantly issued a media statement to the public, saying be prepared for the passing of many in the communities. But the poor are still too many, too many for the voices to be silenced . Boris Johnson is a media construct helped by Dominic Cummings and it is just a question of time before the whole deck of cards comes down and believe me there will be much much anger.

Political Rant By Mason Cult.

Subversion the subtle control of the family of man the increase of the isolated family and the demise of real talking communities. It doesn’t rely on the political colour of government.

The Tory government voted in at the recent election is possibly the worst in history and Boris Johnson is only the puppet of masters elsewhere. In recent time there has obviously been a massive increase in population, a lack of housing and facilities high rents, no social housing and spiv private landlords who don’t give a damn about low pay or zero hours contracts, the nuclear families have stopped talking they are on social media revealing themselves, your privacy is protected, but that is nonsense the government are watching, following your every move.

The press are feeding us repeat  diets of morbidity and mundane game, shows all good and bad is behind closed doors. Neighbours do not know one another and that is what the government wants, like a siege in evolution if you bang it home enough, it will stick.

Your imaginations will go and with it your mind, citizens you are being subverted this also works well.  With a zombie population who are told do the right thing, the thing is impersonal decisive. So many times in life there is no perfect right or wrong life is a mass of grey areas.

Dirty Sandwich.

Dirty sandwich I cannot eat, it will make me die. I never saw who made it, who is it, what are you, inside the rise of salad death. Of meat. I am weak, what happened, oh meat how bereft you are of amino acids. What is your protein chain. A serpent round a helix with wonders to perform.

The Compound

Thousands of restless souls remained in compound at secret locations after death, these were named as restless souls. They moaned but no one could hear them their earth bodies now gone there seemed precious little to hope for seemingly abandoned in the voids of a timeless zone . They all at one time had some form of earth family and sore and sadly was it sensed by them but as promised they would be claimed and saved cubes of white lights could be vision by these lost souls . The restless ones gradually gravitated from this time toward the shimmering cubes an opening door appeared and pure enlightened beings for each cube beckoned each soul gestured for each soul to be drawn in to new enlightenment and on to another life stream.

The Warrior of Poetry: The Poetry archive