Never Be.

Never be an ornament child fight back claim your love. Be yourself smile openly, laugh, even if things are bad you are you, not your parents think free be you, use your time wisely. Let your highest thought be the one aim. Never be stuck with the bland, stick in the mud, and it will grind you to dust in their banalities and dross light the light in your mind and make it last. For your life and forever fight forward and never go back.

The Little Lantern Peoples of Hanger Hill

The Little Lantern Peoples of Hanger Hill, we are now approaching the year three thousand, many world downturns later and the fashioned nature of the time is producing smaller peoples of what is left of a world, what is left of houses is little more than rubble to hide in. Food is a combination of the wild fayre, wild veg, and disheveled crumble. Warehousing full of water-soluble dry packet foods, water is now wells and dysentery is high. Public health down to the volunteer medical people now fighting over supplies. But there is a strange phenomenon upon a mountain hill on the edge of the Lake District or more correctly the edge of the North Yorkshire hills. It is a disused gliding school hanger with its sliding doors half-open upon a metal beam in the far corner of this hanger up to a thousand paraffin lanterns can be seen one small knobbly kneed strange human form can be seen standing in front of this lantern keeping warm as it states into this ok light and heated device most primitive. By eight PM a procession of stunted shadowy figures can be seen trailing toward the grey rusting building each being picks a now lit lantern and proceeds to form a circle within the hanger waffled chit chat I observe and then there is the whistle and shaped being called pointed hand and it’s hand goes through a gap in the grey hanger door to alight upon a higher hill. The thousand little lantern peoples must prepare so in procession lamps on they waddled out the big hanger door toward an Auric horn higher up the trail glowing deep and moaning in sound and steam the little lantern people marched in a train of light to the Auric horn.

The Power Game

Black gate, black door, the power game behind house building called 10, you know the one, that keeps the Tories in power. Not easy to see as it is the most decisive ploy in history. I am talking about the ever-false ploy to try and mortgage the truly unaffordable homes of today’s hyper inflated inflation debt. Causing poverty, I am bloody ranting about the obsession with trying to own a so-called home. If anything has caused divisiveness in this land it is this. It creates jealousy, false want, unnecessary need, in many cases driven by the need for Tory control. It has caused division false expectation and worst of all generations now of Tory control. A sense of greed, subtle yet present, the hypnosis of a population whose attitude is of skewed relationships and is even part of the teachings in schools.

One is expected to in theory own one’s own home . This needs to be changed, council homes should not be a dirty word but a well-managed decent place to be. The creation of harmonious communities not unhealthy rivalries, divisions that are tearing young and older apart and at the heart of this badness are the Tories and the dictatorial tones of control played like a violin. Want this to change then the first port of call is to remove the Tories and have a true Socialist government. Rant over off to read poems to Keir Starmer.

no I am not a brexiteer but a visionary

There is an urgent need to have public works programmes, one, monorail systems on current motorways using current terminal hubs, two properly organised safe new cycle tracks Leeds for example has already seven miles worth more on the way. Three, better use of land and assisted super allotments with guided advice so interested parties can reconnect with where food comes from, of course in my opinion that is the practice of seed to product. Four, the building of properly managed social tenancies stop the persecution of decent human beings by the mortgage control monsters that lurk in all three political parties. We must stop the wrongful actions of landlords that rock family stability. Reintroduce life tenancies if the citizens are worthwhile well meaning people, good housing legislation by new European governments is essential. Let us create a better world nationalism is destructive bringing misery for millions. We must change the old stagnant ways of the past, only a united Europe with Britain playing it’s part in it can work. We owe this much especially to the struggling. the young and the frightened elderly the disabled and weak among us. Let Europe unite for a better more equal world.

Warrior of Poetry Political Rant

As a poet and a social justice fan I reflect there is a right wing group in the Tory Party on a mission searching for a way to regain our freedom in this country. If they achieve this they will look good sound right and catch the mood of a desperate public. But and it is a big but, what most are unable to see is the overall achievement of a dictatorship, running from generation to generation. Consuming the decades as they go.

The other two main parties are hopeless they have no leaders, in fact they appear boneless all the wind is out of them, alas forlorn they look just agreeing with the rest to stay in their lifeboats.

I bet Johnson will be out by May there will be a coup and an empty seat will be filled, paving the way in our Lifetime a dictatorship of magnitude never to be touched whilst the poor will be searching the landfills for food and crime will be uncontrollable taken to extreme levels. I sigh deeply.

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